Training and exercises
En stor del av OFFBs daglige virksomhet består i å gjennomføre treninger og øvelser. Faktisk gjennomføres det hvert år over 130 aktiviteter fordelt på alt fra grunnleggende ferdighetstrening til store samvirkeøvelser. Samvirke er viktig for OFFB og i øvelser har vi tett kontakt med aktører som politiet, Havindustritilsynet og Hovedredningssentralen.
Training and exercise activities are organised at a number of levels, depending on how many of the member's emergency response lines are involved. All training and exercise activities, regardless of level, are regarded as important contributions to the continuous improvement of emergency response performance.
Training and exercise activities at OFFB:
These are activities at which relevant participants/organisations gather to review the general outline of a given exercise, coordinate planning, aims and expectations, and identify issues that require more work to ensure that the emergency response can be consolidated and its objectives achieved. Seminars/workshops represent the first meeting of organisations intending to participate in a given exercise.
Tabletop exercises:
These are discussion-based activities at which the participants gather in a room and work on a scenario and/or issues in response to input provided by an exercise leader. Participants shall not carry out any actions outside the exercise room. This approach is organised in such a way that participants discuss actions and decisions based, for example, on input provided by an exercise leader.
Level 1 exercises:
At this level, the aim is to drill one of the emergency response lines, or in-house personnel, separately. OFFB is responsible for preparing plans and other documentation for the exercise, as well as providing role players and exercise leadership, if needed. Such exercises may also involve a number of internal or external organisations/personnel. They usually have a duration of up to four hours and are arranged with OFFB personnel.
Level 2 exercises:
This exercise involves active participation from two of the lines within the emergency response organisation. 2nd line exercises actively in the situation room, while other participants drill from their respective locations or via participation as role players. Such exercises may also involve a number of internal or external organisations/personnel. They usually have a duration of four hours and are arranged with OFFB personnel.
Level 3 exercises:
This level involves active participation from all lines in the emergency response organisation, together with as many organisations/personnel as possible that would be involved in a real incident. They usually have a duration of four hours and are arranged with OFFB personnel. OFFB will arrange for one person to be present if the exercise involves drills offshore.
OFFB’s Major Exercises::
Major Exercises involve active participation from all emergency response lines as well as organisations/personnel that would naturally be involved in a real incident. OFFB’s Major Exercises are intended as arenas for training, drills and learning for all member companies, as well as all organisations/personnel that would naturally be mobilised in a real emergency response situation.
Other exercises/drills:
In addition, regular exercises are carried out involving personnel staffing the Operator's Centres for Evacuees and Next of Kin (OSEPs) and the OFFB Call Centre.

Exercise web
Prior to exercises offshore, and Major Exercises involving several different organisations, a line of communication should be established between exercise managers both on- and offshore. This is achieved using the chat function on our exercise web.