The operator´s association for emergency response
The Operator’s Association for Emergency Response, known as OFFB, is a member-led, non-profit emergency response organisation utilised by many operating companies on the Norwegian continental shelf. We provide professional 2nd line emergency response services to our members, and are an integral part of their emergency response systems. OFFB also acts as a resource and expertise centre for all its members.

ICS Training from June
OFFB is now preparing training sessions to maintain competence in the Incident Command System (ICS), which has become a common management system for handling oil spill response operations on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Three Things People in Crisis are in special need of
Several of OFFB's employees must be prepared to assist people in crisis. Marianne Vinjevoll from our partner organization, Klinikk for krisepsykologi (Clinic for Crisis Psychology), visited us to share her experiences and advice.

Students visiting OFFB
Nearly 40 students from UiS came to OFFB to learn more about what it means to work with emergency response in practice.

Petroleum and maritime industry – joint emergency response
Operator companies on the Norwegian continental shelf compete for most things, but not emergency response. In this field, everyone must be the best. Now eight oil and gas companies are inviting the new maritime industries into the collaboration in the joint emergency organization OFFB.

Testing artificial intelligence for conversation training
OFFB is among the first in the emergency response/energy industry to use the tool developed by the local startup company Sklls. - A useful supplement for conversational training, says Kim Sviland, responsible for OFFB’s Next of Kin call center.

Coming to OFFB for learning and networking
Each year, close to 300 employees in the energy industry attend courses at OFFB. What all our courses have in common is that they are free for our members, and they are developed through collaboration with our members.

Making plans for the coming emergency response year
A large part of OFFB’s daily work is to conduct training and exercises to test the emergency preparedness of our nine member companies. These are planned in close collaboration with the companies.

Preparing to expand our emergency response collaboration
“We are putting behind us a busy and prolific year, and we are now preparing for emergency response to become a top priority for even more actors within the energy industry,” says managing director Ole Jacob Haug.