OFFB has more room on board! Since starting up in 2009, we have supported more than 100 operations on the NCS. We have extensive experience from safeguarding exploration activities, offshore and onshore production facilities as well as pipelines.
As a member, you have access to, and ownership of, a professional, user-directed and non-profit second-line emergency response organisation, which becomes an integral part of your company. All oil and gas companies pre-qualified as operators on the Norwegian continental shelf can become members of OFFB.
Contact us today for more information.
Membership of OFFB includes the following:
• 24/7/365 handling of emergency response incidents, using six rotating on-duty teams.
• An Operator's Centre for Evacuees and Next of Kin (OSEP) at several locations.
• An on-duty doctor provision in compliance with the NOROG 014 standard.
• A call centre for next of kin.
• A Strategic Crisis Communications Team (SKT) for 3rd line.
• Training and exercises for emergency response organisations.
• Preparation of planning documents.
• The OFFB Competence Centre that offers courses and one-day seminars, as required by our members.
• Advisory services in the field of emergency response.
• Dedicated member Point of Contact in the staff
• A unique network and collaboration forum for members
• OFFB is an active promoter of experience transfer between its members and external organisations.

A dedicated Competence Centre:
The centre ensures continuous skills development within each operator organisation and assists new members in rapidly achieving the necessary levels of emergency response expertise.
Frequent exercises:
The only way to prepare for the worst-case scenario is to practice experiencing the worst-case scenario. OFFB arranges a continuous series of exercises adapted to a given member company’s unique circumstances, and assumes responsibility for planning, implementation and evaluation in collaboration with the company in question.
Experience transfer:
OFFB’s employees work with many operating companies that hire the same rigs. This ensures an experience transfer process that benefits each and every member.
Technical forum:
At our dedicated technical forum, member companies obtain access to each others’ experience in the fields of HSE, emergency response, exercises and, if relevant, incidents.
Resource savings:
A cost-effective organisation, combined with the collective use of services, makes OFFB a resource-saving alternative. At the same time, we never compromise on quality, and our emergency response activities are always carried out in compliance with prevailing legislation and statutory regulations.

Our values
At OFFB we work together with openness and respect.
We strongly encourage collaboration among our members and other emergency response agencies by being inclusive and committed.
At OFFB we develop quality in the services we provide by means of a continuous process of learning and improvement. We strongly encourage innovation and the development of emergency response services.
At OFFB we have a continuous focus on emergency response services.
We are dependable, and our members shall have full confidence in our acknowledged and reliable service provision.
Our ethical principles
OFFB’s unique position represents a professionalisation of emergency response services embedded in a non-profit, member-led and collaborative setting. Our operations are based on the “not-for-profit” principle. Emergency response services are designed to manage a major accident, and the organisation works on the basis of proactive emergency response management.
Collaboration, openness, and a willingness to share with other OFFB members and external organisations, are the key to the success of effective teamwork in an emergency response situation.