Big cooperation exercise in Florø

Today, on January 28, OFFB conducts a full-scale exercise, based on a hypothetical security incident at the heliport in Florø in Vestland county. A wide range of companies and authorities are collaborating in the drill.

Under normal circumstances, a large number of offshore workers and staff from the heliport, the police and the municipality, would have participated as mock casualties.

However, the COVID-19 situation has forced the exercise management team to come up with an alternative scenario. The exercise is therefore carried out by extensive use of digital co-operation, explains Pål Erland, exercise supervisor and emergency response manager at OFFB.

Great value
“In practice, each participant will join tabletop discussions from his or her office or another suitable location, while at the same time, they’ll notify, coordinate, communicate and collaborate as they would normally do in a real-life situation. Even though we cannot meet physically, such an exercise will provide great value to everyone involved,” Erland says.

The participants include representatives from the police office in Florø in Vestland county, the state-owned company Avinor, which operates most of the civil airports in Norway, the Norwegian regional airline Widerøe, Kinn municipality, the security services provider Securitas, the helicopter company Bristow, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) and Neptune Energy’s emergency response organisation – comprising its 1st, 2nd (OFFB), 3rd and 4th line (UK). The exercise takes place between 09:00 and 14:00 hours.

Escalating offshore
The starting point for the exercise will be a security incident at the heliport in Florø. From there, it evolves to include the Neptune Energy-operated offshore installations and drilling rig Deepsea Yantai at the Gjøa field in the North Sea. To successfully manage such a demanding scenario, close collaboration, coordination and good communication between the parties involved are essential.

The exercise’s overall goal is to see how Neptune Energy – as an operator and in collaboration with its partners – may handle a security incident/legal offence starting at the heliport in Florø and escalating further to a petroleum field offshore, in the best possible way. The exercise will also be a test of the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s guideline 003 “Recommended guidelines for check-in and security checks at helicopter terminals”.

In addition, each participating organisation has its own set of exercise goals.

Must keep up the dialogue and collaboration
Ole Jacob Haug, OFFB’s managing director, is pleased to see that the cooperating actors are dedicating time and resources to take part in this type of exercise. He believes these exercises may be even more important during the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

“The activity level among OFFB’s members is high. We must maintain the contact between us, and continue the good collaboration we depend on during an emergency incident,” says Haug.

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Petroleum and maritime industry – joint emergency response

Operator companies on the Norwegian continental shelf compete for most things, but not emergency response. In this field, everyone must be the best. Now eight oil and gas companies are inviting the new maritime industries into the collaboration in the joint emergency organization OFFB.

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Coming to OFFB for learning and networking

Each year, close to 300 employees in the energy industry attend courses at OFFB. What all our courses have in common is that they are free for our members, and they are developed through collaboration with our members.

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OFFB employees trained in life-saving techniques

As emergency preparedness is our full-time job at OFFB, we are aware that accidents occur regularly in the real world. We also know that no one is exempted from standing on the front line to help. In order to become as well-equipped as possible for such an event, you can practice in advance.

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Equinor accident gave valuable learning for Neptune Energy

In a series of exercises during the spring of 2023, all of Neptune Energy's six emergency response teams had to handle an accident with serious injuries to personnel on the Gjøa platform. The scenario was built around a real-life incident on the Heimdal field in 2019. Emergency response manager Pål Erland in OFFB commends Equinor for sharing its experiences. “We have learned a lot,” he says.

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Løpefest i Stavanger

Lørdag 3. juni deltok hele 3.750 personer i Energistafetten i Stavanger. Åtte av dem hadde OFFB-logoen på brystet. – I år var ambisjonsnivået å delta. Nå begynner planleggingen av neste års stafett, sier stabsleder og løpegeneral Brigt Nesheim.

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Technical forum for the 50th time

Once in every quarter of a year, OFFB assembles its technical forum to exchange knowledge and discuss current emergency response issues. “A highly useful forum,” says its leader, Kåre Olav Oftedal of Gassco.

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Aker BP joins OFFB

Aker BP has become a member of the Operator’s Association for Emergency Response, known as OFFB. “We are looking forward to further develop OFFB’s emergency response collaboration together with such a large and highly skilled player on the Norwegian continental shelf,” says Ole Jacob Haug, managing director of OFFB.

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“The worst thing one can do is to do nothing”

“A rule of thumb for people assigned to take care of those affected by crises and their next of kin, is to help more and cry less,” says crisis psychologist Jakob Inge Kristoffersen with a smile. The class room at OFFB’s Competence Centre was packed when he gave a course on how to handle crisis reactions.

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Beredskapskonferansen i Stavanger i september

13. til 14. september inviterer Offshore Norge, Industri Energi, Petroleumstilsynet og OFFB alle som jobber med beredskapsfaglige spørsmål i privat og offentlig sektor, akademia, organisasjoner, politi og forsvar til Beredskapskonferansen i Stavanger.

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OFFB gratulerer

OFFB er stolt sponsor av KFUM Stavanger J07. I påsken vant førstelaget J14-klassen i Peter Wessel Cupen 2022, uoffisielt norgesmesterskap i aldersbestemt håndball. Andrelaget ble nummer to i sin pulje.

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Broad collaboration assembly in Florø

On March 30, OFFB and Neptune Energy assembled a wide range of collaborating actors for an emergency preparedness gathering in Florø in Vestland county. Among the topics on the agenda were the follow-up of evacuees and next of kin from a health professional perspective, and contingency planning under a heightened threat level.

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Crisis management in major incidents

How should people affected by crises be followed up in the best possible way? And when should a crisis be declared over? Those were key questions at a workshop on strategic crisis management, organised by OFFB’s Competence Centre at the end of February.

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OFFB exercise in Florø

The Centres for Evacuees and Next of Kin (OSEP in Norwegian) play a key role in attending to people affected by emergency incidents. The ongoing pandemic makes it difficult to carry out real-life exercises, but on November 30 to December 1, it was finally possible to meet in Florø in Vestland county.

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Crisis management with master’s students

At the University of Stavanger, master’s degree students of societal safety are getting a thorough, theoretical introduction to the subject of crisis management. On Monday the 1st of November, the students visited OFFB to learn how theory can be put into practice.

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OFFB features in NATO magazine

The Operators' Association for Emergency Response (OFFB) is a specialised, civilian emergency response organisation, and an integrated part of Norway’s total defence. In the latest issue of NATO’s ‘The Three Swords’ magazine, OFFB is introduced to an international readership.

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Research: Peer-reviewed article published in Magma

A new research article by Riana Steen and Alf Inge Molde is outlining learning points from an outbreak of COVID-19 at the West Phoenix drilling rig in August 2020. It discusses how uncertainty, time pressure and escalating consequences magnify the need for resilience in emergency preparedness.

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Looking after people affected by crises

“The fear of making mistakes may be the biggest challenge when faced with people who are going through crises,” says psychology specialist Heidi Wittrup Djup. Together with her colleagues at Clinic for Crisis Psychology, she’s ready 24/7, all year round, to attend to those affected by emergency events – and to support those responsible for handling such situations.

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Research: New modelling method enhances emergency preparedness

In order to close the gap between emergency response plans and the way tasks are carried out in real life, far more factors and aspects must be mapped and included in the planning, Riana Steen believes. In a new research paper written in collaboration with the Operator's Association for Emergency Response (OFFB), she explains how this can be done.

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Daglig leder i INEOS Oil & Gas Norway, Erik Magnesen. Foto: Alf Inge Molde

INEOS Oil & Gas Norway gets ready for exploration drilling

INEOS Oil & Gas Norway is preparing to spud its ‘Fat Canyon’ wildcat in the summer of 2021. Together with OFFB, the company is rehearsing its emergency response system. “It is essential to go up routines and brush up on our knowledge,” says general manager Erik Magnesen.

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Gjesteforelesning ved Universitetet i Stavanger

Når kriser oppstår må kriseledere fatte beslutninger, ofte under tidspress og stor grad av usikkerhet. 15. september utfordret beredskapslederne Geir Haakonsen og Bjørn Stein masterstudenter i samfunnssikkerhet ved Universitetet i Stavanger.

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Suksesskriterier for god koordinering

Grenseoverskridende kriser som koronakrisen byr på helt spesielle utfordringer for krisehåndterere på alle nivåer. Nøkkelen er felles situasjonsforståelse, robust samarbeid og koordinering, mener sikkerhetsforsker Riana Steen.

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Beredskapen blir ivaretatt

OFFB følger retningslinjene fra myndighetene og jobber fra hjemmefra. Beredskapsoppgavene blir likevel ivaretatt fullt ut. Øvelser, kurs og andre samlinger er i første omgang avlyst fram til påske.

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Erfaringsdeling med helsesektoren

I slutten av februar var beredskapsorganisasjonen til Helse Midt-Norge på besøk hos OFFB for å lære hvordan beredskapsorganisasjonen jobber med proaktiv stabsmetodikk og CIM.

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Studies OFFB and Safety-II

HSE-work is facing a paradigm shift, safety scientist Riana Steen believes. She now sets out to study the way principles and models in resilience engineering and Safety-II may strengthen crisis response and coordination inside the emergency preparedness room. (Article in Norwegian).

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Stor øvelse på Deepsea Yantai

Rundt 200 personer deltok aktivt da Neptune Energy, riggeier Odfjell Drilling og et bredt spekter av samarbeidsaktører øvde på å håndtere en alvorlig ulykke på riggen Deepsea Yantai 18. desember 2019.

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OFFB søker stabsleder

En av våre erfarne beredskapsledere pensjonerer seg. Nå søker OFFB etter ny vaktgående stabsleder som også er en ressursperson innen IKT og cyber security.

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OFFB-samarbeid i ny rapport

Oljenæringen gjør Norge sikrere, tryggere og bedre, slås det fast i en fersk rapport utgitt av Kunnskapsparken Nord og Norsk olje og gass. Ett av eksemplene rapporten viser til er OFFBs kunnskapsdeling med Stavanger fengsel.

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Samvirketabletop i Bergen

4. september inviterer OFFB alle aktører i bergensområdet som jobber med krisehåndtering og
får en rolle under beredskapshendelser offshore til samvirketabletop ved Thon
Hotel Bergen Airport.

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Beredskapsmøte med Sola kommune

I midten av juni besøkte beredskapsledelsen i Sola kommune OFFB for å lære mer om organisering av beredskap, metodikk og hvordan oljenæringen jobber med samvirke i krisehåndtering. – Inspirerende, sier rådmann Ingrid Nordbø.

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Utfordrer strategisk nivå

Hvert år arrangerer OFFB 130 treninger og øvelser. 8. mai møttes OFFB og medlemmene til temadag i OFFB Kompetansesenter for å finne nye måter å utfordre strategisk nivå i øvelser.

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Krisekommunikasjon på Beredskapskonferansen

Kravene til krisekommunikasjon har endret seg dramatisk de siste 20 årene. På Beredskapskonferansen i Bodø forteller OFFB hvorfor og tidligere CHC-direktør Arne Roland om hvordan det var å stå som kriseleder under Turøy-ulykken.

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ICS-trening med Shell

Torsdag 7. mars øvde totalt 75 personer fra AS Norske Shell og Shells internasjonale organisasjon, personell fra OFFB og sentrale støttespillere som NOFO og politiet på å håndtere en stor og langvarig hendelse etter ICS-modellen.

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Faglig påfyll?

I fjor deltok nær 300 personer på kurs i regi av OFFB Kompetansesenter. Her er kursplanen for første halvdel av 2019.

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Ledig stilling som stabsleder

Vakthavende stabsleder koordinerer beredskapsvaktlaget og er hovedkontakt mot 1. linje på innretningen i en beredskapssituasjon. Utover vaktfunksjonen vil stabsleder inngå i et team som bidrar til vedlikehold og kontinuerlig utvikling av beredskap i tett samarbeid med medlemmer og andre relevante beredskapsaktører.

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